小编: 172林奥
雅思写作的连贯以及衔接(Coherence and Cohesion)具体在写作过程中考生需要注意包括两大部分:段落之间的连贯(Coherence)和每段内部句群之间的衔接(Cohesion),在雅思四项评分标准中属于比较容易突破的一项,也是写作考官在评卷过程中比较容易给高分的一项。
Firstly, the users can send E-mails to our friends in other countries in a few minutes while sending a traditional letter takes people at least a week and costs much. Secondly, users can make friends with people from all parts of the world. It overcomes the geographical barriers and makes the world smaller. Thirdly, the Internet accelerates the flow of information and spreads education to all corners of the globe. We can have easy and quick access to the latest information worldwide.
The users can send E-mails to our friends in other countries in a few minutes while sending a traditional letter takes people at least a week and costs much. These Users can also make friends with people from all parts of the world. It overcomes the geographical barriers and makes the world smaller. Another point, the Internet accelerates the flow of information and spreads education to all corners of the globe. We can have easy and quick access to the latest information worldwide. 注:7分段的连接词不宜使用的过多(整篇文章控制在6-7个较明显的连接词即可)和过于明显
The users can send E-mails to our friends in other countries in a few minutes while sending a traditional letter takes people at least a week and costs much. These Users can also make friends with people from all parts of the world. It overcomes the geographical barriers and makes the world smaller. Another point, the Internet accelerates the flow of information and spreads education to all corners of the globe. We can have easy and quick access to the latest information worldwide.
The application of E-mails has brought us three aspects of advantages. The users can send E-mails to our friends in other countries in a few minutes while sending a traditional letter takes people at least a week and costs much. These users can also make friends with people from all parts of the world. It overcomes the geographical barriers and makes the world smaller. Another merit, the Internet accelerates the flow of information and spreads education to all corners of the globe. We can have easy and quick access to the latest information worldwide.
Although there clearly are some demerits, I strongly believe the application of E-mails has brought us much more advantages. The users can send E-mails to our friends in other countries in a few minutes while sending a traditional letter takes people at least a week and costs much. These users can also make friends with people from all parts of the world. It overcomes the geographical barriers and makes the world smaller. Another merit, the Internet accelerates the flow of information and spreads education to all corners of the globe. We can have easy and quick access to the latest information worldwide.(这个版本涉及到承上启下的段落过度方法,请考生认真研究)
- 错误分析: 每个段落内部代词(this/that/these/those/such/which/it/they/them)的使用是很多考生忽略的考点。大部分考生把注意力放在名词的同义替换上,造成词汇压力和考场速度减慢,其实这些问题都在代词指代上或许可以找到出路。
Adverts are almost everywhere (e.g. on TV, on buses, on mobile phones and even in toilets), largely dominating domestic consumption. Nonetheless, how further it can genuinely help those advertised products remains a contentious matter. While sales can be considerably promoted, I vehemently believe adverts are also effective in raising the quality.
Adverts are almost everywhere (e.g. on TV, on buses, on mobile phones and even in toilets), largely dominating domestic consumption. Nonetheless, how further they can genuinely help these advertised products remains a contentious matter. While sales can be considerably promoted, I vehemently believe they are also effective in raising the quality.