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小编: 773

2008-10-25 深圳考题

我总分7分, 写作8分,听力8分,阅读6分,口语6.5分。vousvous@qq.com>

题目: Economy progress decides the success of a country. are there any other factors decide the success of a county? do you think there is any factor more important than another?

我主要写了2点原因,education progress 和 the safety of the society. 我认为它们一样重要。

( 于老师点评: 只要你的论据能够说明就可以. 所以主要的精力应该放在写好的, 明确的主题句 而不是其它. )

 it goes without saying that economy plays a significant role in deciding the success of a country. nevertheless, a country's success should not only be decided by it. there are other factors also influencing the success of a country, such as the education progress and the safety of the society.(意思大概是这样写的,但具体用词和句子结构不同了,忘了之前具体的了)

First, education progress is of great importance to a country's success. it is generally acknowledged that.......for instance,, 论证了一下 Next, the safety of the society also plays a crucial role to a country's success. 论证了一下。

However, i do not believe that there is one factor more important than the other. they are both essential to a country's success. instead, we are supposed to pay equal attention to each……. In conclusion, besides the economy progress, the education progress and the safety of the society all play significant roles in deciding the success of a country. therefore, we should attach great but equal importance to each factor.

大概的框架就是这样,老师你看看大概能拿几分~~~ 于老师,分数终于出了。我总分7分, 写作8分,听力8分,阅读6分,口语6.5分。阅读不太理想,anyway,7分我够了。哈哈,还是挺开心的 。在这里谢谢老师的教导阿。

(对不起今天才复信, 太晚了吧,预测的题目已经在班上讲过了查笔记. 比如说, 从八月九号后四次考试的题目均是我在课堂上讲过的. 看下文. 一分耕耘一分收获尤其要到海外读书. 于丹 2008-8-9 Task 1: 图表题: 个人电脑的使用情况 Task2 政府把大工厂, 商业机构和大企业搬离城市对不对? 2008-8-16 Task2 媒体要否报道犯罪的细节? 2008-8-21 Task 1: Eu七个国家Clothing进口的变化,包括1997、2003两组数据 Task2: Some people think that international travel makes them prejudiced rather than broad-minded. why do you think people may fail to benefit from international travel? How can people benefit from this kind of travel? G: 老年人在哪里养老? 2008-9-13 Many people believe that it is very important to protect the environment but they make no efforts to do anything about it themselves. Why did you think it is a case? 你认为怎样做可以保护环境? 2008-9-18 Task 1: Two Bar Charts 新西兰不同年龄的人每天在音乐和阅读上花的平均时间 Task2: 一些人认为把criminals send to prison 不是一个effective way to deal with them. Education and job training 才是一个好方法.2008-10-23

加考 2008-10-25

 糖糖 写道:亲爱的于老师:您好!我是SZQHQ2609今年暑假强化全日班(南山)的同学,我叫周芳,我将要参加本周六(10.25)的雅思考试万分感谢阿。 不知道老师您是否有写作的相关预测呢? 希望写作能拿 6.5分,我对口语比较担心,不知道老师是否会有口语的相关预测呢?哈,我太贪心了。 在此先谢谢老师,祝老师身体健康,万事如意。 2008.10.21

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